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GTP Bioways is attending Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Europe

GTP Bioways is attending the Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Europe conference in London, UK, from the 4th to the 6th June 2024.

This event is recognized as the foremost conference for those engaged in antibody-related research, development, and manufacturing in Europe. It serves as the leading platform for accelerating next-generation antibodies to commercial success. With a program rich in keynote sessions and scientific briefings from expert scientists, the conference offers three days dedicated solely to antibodies.

In the upcoming 2024 event, the programme will be diving deep into the forefront of antibody science, exploring a diverse spectrum of areas. This includes groundbreaking progress in Fc engineering, inventive methods for antibody discovery, strategies to navigate the challenges of multispecific antibody development, the rise of agonist antibodies, and novel approaches to conditionally active biotherapeutics.

Discover our antibody development and manufacturing solutions at AET Europe 2024

If you are seeking a human sized CDMO to advance your project into clinical development, the Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Europe is the perfect occasion to meet.

Nancy Martinez, Business Development Manager, and Christel Boutonnet, Head of project management will be representing GTP Bioways at booth #15, eagerly awaiting your visit. Both strong with their scientific background, they stand ready to introduce you to our comprehensive CDMO services. We offer process development and GMP manufacturing of antibodies, including monoclonal antibodies, bispecific antibodies, and antibody-drug conjugates.

Schedule a meeting with Nancy Martinez at AET 2024

If you’re interested in exploring how our client-oriented CDMO can support your project, reach out to Nancy Martinez. She looks forward to hearing about your inquiries and discussing potential collaborations. For further information, feel free to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you at Antibody Engineering and Therapeutics!

AET Conference 2024









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